
Every object has its destiny. Objects, especially the old ones, objects - long-livers, those that came from ancient times, they do have what to tell us. They are quite like people; differ among each other by appearance, history, even character.

While watching the old caskets, fancy bronze statutes, monumental sofas with carving and gild, or a porcelain dishes with a unique painting, we do not only admire the beauty of these amazing things but, also, take a glance at the past, learn history - history of their owners, history of countries, history of craftsmanship and masters that put their labor, talent and inspiration in.

Unfortunately, time is leaving its trace even on things that are cautiously kept and valued. Only the talented restorer, master of the art can bring harmed and damaged, by amateur repair, object to life.

Top professionalism, experience, knowledge and mastership of our specialists are highly evaluated among antiquarian, art specialists and experts.

Go to antique furniture page.


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